What to do if you’ve been in a car wreck

Being in a car accident can be a very scary experience. Knowing what to do before hand can make things a little less stressful. Even the most experienced and careful drivers are at risk. Our commitment to our patients is to restore your health as quickly as possible.

Be Prepared!

  • Keep emergency triangles or road flares in your vehicle to help alert traffic.
  • Carry any relevant medical history for you or your family that may be helpful in an emergency.
  • Have up to date vehicle registration and insurance information in your glove box.
  • Keep a pen and paper to get information.

After the Wreck.

  • Stay calm.
  • Evaluate for any possible injuries and call emergency services if needed.
  • Turn on your emergency flashers.
  • If there are only minor injuries move the vehicles to the side of the road.
  • Call the police and your insurance agent even if the accident is minor to report the incident.

Other Important Tips

  • Be polite but do not admit fault….even if you feel like it was yours.
  • Make notes of witnesses, location, damage to vehicles, draw out what happened and take pictures of the damage and any injuries you may have sustained (bruising, cuts, etc.).
  • Do not sign any documents unless it is for the police or YOUR insurance only.
  • Limit your discussion ONLY to the police and YOUR insurance agent and state only the facts. If something is unclear or foggy, it’s OK to say you don’t know or can’t remember.
  • If the name of the driver is different than the registration, make note of the relationship.
  • Try not to leave the scene of the accident before the other drivers and police.


  • Call our office to be evaluated. Even if you aren’t feeling any symptoms a car wreck or whiplash injury can have lasting effects on your health. The underlying soft tissue injuries may be setting the stage for early degeneration and pain down the road.